Dates and Locations:
Hartford Middle School, Hartford, VT, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
November 13, November
27, December 11, January 8
Brattleboro Middle School, Room 263
Brattleboro, VT: November 14, November 28, December 12,
January 9
Registration Fee: $200; Books and materials provided
Sessions 1 & 2: Race and Identity in America
- Session 1: Book Discussion: Angie
Thomas, The Hate U Give
- Session 2: Discussion and Activities: Josh
Bryan, “Charlottesville was my fault,” and Facing History and Ourselves,
“The Complexity of Identity”
Sessions 3 & 4: The Significance of Race in Vermont
- Session 3: Primary Source Inquiry: The Vermont
Constitution and Vermont Slavery; Jeffrey Brace, The Blind African Slave
- Session 4: Discussion: Elise Guyette, “The Power of Erasure: Reflections on Civil War, Race, and Growing Up White in Vermont.” Primary Source Inquiry: The Power of
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